Finite Field Arithmetic

Some source code for finite field arithmetic.

Montgomery Multiplication in Finite Fields
  • Montgomery Multiplication in the field GF(2^8) [Source Code]
  • Bit serial Montgomery Multiplication in the field GF(2^233) [Source Code]

Composite Field Isomorphisms

The AES s-box provides the non-linearity in the cipher. It is defined as follows: S(x) = xinv + A
  • is a affine transformation.
  • xinv is the inverse of x in the finite field GF(2^8). This means that (xinv * x)mod P = 1, where P is the irreducible polynomial of the field. 
Finding xinv in hardware could have significant area requirement, so developers often use composite fields, which decomposes large arithmetic into smaller ones.  For instance a composite field for GF(2^8) is the field GF((2^4)^2), which breaks down 8 bit arithmetic to 4 bit arithmetic. The requirements is that such a composite field needs to be found.

The source code available here shows how a composite field can constructed [Source Code].
The algorithm is taken from Christoff Paar's PhD thesis.

ECC over Optimal Extension Fields (OEF)

OEF field arithmetic is implementation friendly on microprocessors. This code has an implementation of Elliptic curve cryptography over OEF [Source Code].
Three OEF fields are supported. Refer to the SEC X.2 recommendations.

bash terminal

  • To clear the scroll buffer completely  
tput reset

  • To change from one virtual terminal to another, you generally use shift+alt+Fx, where x is 1, 2, 3, .... On a system without graphics, you can also achieve this by the command line

chvt x
where x is 1,2,3, ...
